Our Sunday services are at 8am and 10 am weekly, time may vary for Christmas and some other Festivals.
Evensong and Sunday Early Evening Services will continue to be held each month and Midweek Communion is held on Wednesdays at 11 am with coffee served afterwards in Church.
For Younger worshippers …Seekers Sunday School during the 10AM service. Contact either Rev Christopher Bunce- or the Parish Office – for more information.
Further details of our services and events are found on our Facebook page @StMarysChurchHitchin, details are HERE for Evensongs and HERE for the Early Evening Sundays.
This new style 10.00am Sunday service will be accessible for everyone including younger families. A chance for the whole congregation to worship together and we would love you to join us, so save the dates!
This service will normally be on the first Sunday of the month; please note it will not be livestreamed. ‘

Except when special services occur, we are open for all visitors from 9 am until dusk in winter or 5 pm in Summer. Morning prayer will be said at 9 am. on Mondays to Thursdays only
Please note: There may be no entry at these times where this coincides with weddings or funerals, maintenance, or any unforeseen events. If so, this will be indicated by signs outside the main doors. Do check with the Parish Office well ahead if you are making a special journey.
We would love to meet you, why not pop along to one of our services, or get in touch.